I have gotten extremely lazy, so to view the pictures go to this link and click on the links....they have partial explanations.
In June 2005 we went to Switzerland with a group from San Jose State University.
Our tour was based in Bern, the Capital of Switzerland, and from there we had wonderful excursions throughout this beautiful country.
While in Switzerland, we left the group for one afternoon and took the train to Mannedorf, just outside of Zurich and visited with cousin Bob Hopkirk. As Anne would say, "these are people that I could marry, but John calls them cousins." Well, as we know, the Hopkirks are a small family and are all related somehow. My common ancestor with Bob was born in 1756, so Bob is my 5th cousin.
Anne and I spent a wonderful afternoon sailing with Bob, and his friend Sam and Sam's friend Junko, on the Zurich Sea. The cheese, crackers, wine, family, new friends, and sailing.....how could you have a better day.
Upon our return from sailing we had a wonderful meal waiting for our arrival, as we spent a pleasant evening dining with Bob, Christina and their son Alexander.
Unfortunately there are not enough hours in the day, and we had to catch our train back to Bern.
Our thanks goes to Sam for supplying some of the pictures from the sail boat, and to Alexander for the pictures after dinner.
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This page last updated on July 7, 2005