David Maurice HOPKIRK
David was born April 29, 1939 as Eugene Fisher. Maurice and Millie HOPKIRK adopted him on February 4, 1940 and gave him the name of David Maurice HOPKIRK.
David spent his early years in Ruskin, Nebraska. Click here to see his family home in Ruskin. The young child standing at the gate is probably David, around 1945.
Around 1955 the family moved to Frankfort, Kansas where David's father managed the lumber yard until 1970.
David graduated from high school in 1957 in Franffort, Kansas. He then
enlisted in the United States Air Force, but received an early out two
years later.
David married Gloria Elaine HULA and they had four children:
David Bradley "Bradley" HOPKIRK, born 1
August 1968 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas and passed away on 20
July 1975 in Kingman County, Kansas.
Kellie Maureen HOPKIRK, born 9 March 1971 in
Kingman, Kansas and died 27 June 1999 in Washington County,
There are two daughters still living.
David worked for McCormick-Armstrong
Printing company in Wichita, Kansas, as a "master" printer for several
years in the 1960's. After movig to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, he
operated a roofing company and worked for a small engine repair company.
David was also married to Nadine Gutierrez. Nadine was born 17 February 1959 and passed away at age 56 on 21 November 2015, a few months after her husband David. Here is a photo of Nadine
David passed away 24 May 2015 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
David was buried on September 18, 2015
in his home town of Ruskin, Nebraska, at the Spring Creek cemetery with
his parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.
Below are photos of David as a baby, a
young child, a young adult, as an old adult, and the Spring Creek
Cemetery where he is buried in Ruskin, Nebraska.

This page was last updated on 6 October 2015